A total partner for many logistical needs. The Transport department of Aertssen is the market leader in exceptional transport. From excavators to windmill blades spanning meters in length, no challenge is too big for them. Their logistics division focuses on logistics 4.0: solutions that create added value. Aertssen Transport & Logistics is more than just transportation and storage. Their expertise is relied upon for obtaining permits, handling customs paperwork, modifying, maintaining, and assembling goods, making them a true one-stop shop for a successful outcome without worries.
Unlocking Efficiency and Precision in Logistics
For Aertssen Transport & Logistics, Globis isn’t just a software platform; it’s one of their main tools to digitalize their entire logistics operation.
- Complete ‘Digital Twin’ of Freight Transport: Globis provides Aertssen with a holistic view of their freight transport, serving as a complete ‘digital twin.’ It’s a real-time, comprehensive solution that enhances visibility into their shipments.
- Value Added Services Simplified: Aertssen can effortlessly define, record, and invoice Value Added Services. Whether it’s machine modifications or repairs, every detail is managed through Globis.
- Efficient Warehouse Management: Warehouses are operationally and financially managed based on goods specifications like dimensions, weight, and storage duration. This precision ensures optimal resource utilization.
- Seamless Automatic Billing: With customer data, contracts, and rates stored in the system, automatic billing proposals are generated. These proposals undergo predefined checks and approval workflows, resulting in error-free invoicing.
The Result? Timely and Efficient Machine Deliveries: Thanks to Globis, Aertssen Transport & Logistics can place machinery at their customers’ locations with unparalleled efficiency. The entire process is streamlined, minimizing errors, and ensuring deliveries are always on time.
Globis is a key partner of Aertssen to maintain their competitive edge in the logistics industry, making their operations more efficient and customer-centric than ever before.